Blame it on the moon: My dreams this week were off the charts! This wasn’t just any moon, however. It was a lunar trifecta, when both a blue and super moon coincided (for the first time in 152 years) with a total lunar eclipse.
For many, this feat was visible in the skies. Furthermore, there was another aspect that couldn’t be seen by the human eye – the theory that the moon’s gravitational force has an amplified influence on the earth’s magnetic field.
Without sounding like I belong as a cast member of “The Big Bang Theory,” scientific studies have indicated that the Earth’s magnetic field affects the pineal gland in rats and that electro magnetic fields affect the pineal gland in humans. Thus, these findings could possibly lead to the conclusion that changes in the Earth’s geomagnetic field have an influence on the human pineal gland.
The pineal gland, as many may know, is located in the crown of our heads. Known for having the highest blood flow per cubic volume of any body gland, it secretes not only melatonin, a hormone used for sleep, but also dimethyltryptamine (DMT), an enzyme which allows us to have dreams, out of body and psychic experiences.
So, is there a trickle down effect? Does the moon influence the Earth’s magnetic field and, ultimately, our pineal gland’s dreamworks? Considering that everything is energy, it appears to be a strongly supported theory.
This week’s cosmic event, I believe, impacted the intensity of my recent dreams. Allow me to share last night’s humdinger:
Shortly, after 1 a.m., I was awakened and was shown in my “third eye” a series of events. I wrote my visions in my bedside journal:
“In a room with wood floors. I see a hole in the floor. I go down the hole and have bizarre, unusual, challenging and lively experiences. Many twists and turns. Then, I’m led to a traditional looking front door. I open it and enter a party where I meet an array of people – some friends, others are new faces.”
As I finished scratching down those words, I felt as though the room with the wood floors was my actual bedroom and that the rest of insights were essentially a retelling of “Alice in Wonderland.” Little did I know, that my soon-to-come dream would take me down my own rabbit hole.
But, that’s exactly what happened! When I went back to sleep, a dream very much equivalent to author Lewis Carroll’s tale in Wonderland occurred. Like Alice, I bounced from one real/surreal encounter to another, to include the door – from my earlier note – that I was to open.
As I turned its knob, I recalled saying in the dream,”I should take a selfie here!”

The trifecta of moons inspires super dreams!
..Hello, Tony…
🙋Thank You, for This interesting article. I Am, going to Study and Research these terms…You are using. I Love, Love having Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge of ALL that You write about!!💕🙏
Sometimes, I Dont Have an opportunity to View Your Articles, Quickly. However, I Am One of Your avid Readers and Followers. And I, Eventually, ‘catch up.’😀😉
Have A Fabulous Week, Tony!!☺
Enterprise, AL
Hey Lori – thank you so much for reading and for your thoughtful comments. Means a lot to me. Take care of yourself. – Tony