When my major spiritual awakening happened more than 11 years ago and I discovered my psychic gift, I began to intuitively “see” odd symbols and phrases. One of the first was that of a waddling duck, which eventually plopped down on a chair! I took that imagery to mean: sitting duck.
So, how do such visuals and play-on-words interact in my psychic-medium work, you might ask? Take the case of the sitting duck; if I were to “see” that for clients regarding situations in their lives, I’d advise them not to sit idle. Over the years, I’ve built a library of illustrated cliches and symbols that serve as communication tools and devices.
And, I’m still adding to the collection. Here are few of the latest:
I was recently intuitively shown a person playing putt-putt golf and then recording the scores for each hole: 3, 4, 3, 2, 4, etc. I immediately thought of “par for the course,” which would translate in a client session as something one should expect based on patterns or behaviors.
Many people follow the Royal Family and all of the pomp and circumstance associated with England’s dynasty. The other day, I received the psychic visual of a jeweled crown being removed from one person’s head and placed atop another’s. Now, literally, this could be a reference to the British hierarchy. But, if this were to arise during a client’s session, I’d translate it as the “passing of the crown,” indicating some form of succession (perhaps, at the workplace) is on the horizon.
Vintage Airstream trailers, with their sleek design, are often favorites of mid-century modern enthusiasts, who also have a fondness for road trips. Last month, I intuitively saw an Airstream…and it was dancing! That’s right, dancing! And, it had a big smile on hanging on the front door! To my delight, I translated: “happy camper!”
Hmm. Now, I’m craving s’mores!
Love and light,

Are you a “happy camper?!”
Great read!!!
Thanks so much for reading! Happy Summer!
I love it!
Thanks so much, Jay, for reading! Means a lot to me!
I love the playfulness of your psychic readings and guide’s symbols. Thank you Tony for sharing this writing and your gifts to me and the world.
Aww. Thank you for your kind words. Hugs to you!
That was quite interesting Tony.
Thanks for reading and commenting !