I’m a huge soup fan! Clam chowder. Tomato bisque. Chicken noodle. Tom yum. Pasta e fagioli. Albondigas. French onion. If soup’s on the menu, I’m sold!
Let’s relate my love for consomme’ or stew to my job as a psychic. Frequently, during my client consultations, I’ll receive an intuitive vision of a stock pot whose contents are being stirred with a wooden spoon. I relate the image to a favorite soup being prepared. While not a chef (or, even a decent cook, for that matter!), I do realize that it takes more than ingredients for a creation to be savory. It also has to simmer, allowing all of the flavors, spices and textures to culminate into a bowlful of heaven.
Now, what in the name of Julia Child does this have to do with a psychic consultation? After I intuitively identify a goal that my client wants to achieve, he or she often becomes eager to make it happen immediately. A speedy or microwaveable manifestation isn’t always ideal, as it may take time for all the components to align. Thus, the tantalizing image of a stovetop pot emerges in my mind’s eye; a cue to advise the client to continue nurturing the idea while it matures.
Feel good about giving your aspiration time to simmer. In turn, it’ll be a tureen come true!
Love and light,

Like soup, a good idea needs to simmer!
I’ve got a ton of okra in my garden….will have to save you some for your soup there!
Love okra! Prepared any way – even pickled!
I made pickled okra last week!
Another Tasty Morsel from you, Tony! Slurp!!! Thanks for sharing this.
Love the analogy. I cook a lot and believe me, the longer I let something marinate in the pot, the better it is as a finished product
Yes, you of all people can certainly vouch for that!!
Interesting – thank you for the psychic lesson!
How long did it take for you to realize what the intuitive vision of soup means?
And now I’m craving Posole. And Chicken and Dumplin(g)s.
I started receiving symbol visions 8 yrs ago, so I’ve built up a large vocabulary. This one was easy to digest (literally!! ).
Thank you for the psychic insight, Tony. How long did it take for you to realize the meaning of this intuitive vision?
Now I’m craving Posole. And Chicken and Dumplin(g)s.
I love me some chicken and dumplings too!!