From time to time, I devote this blog to answering some questions from readers about my psychic-medium work. Here’s a selection of some recent queries.
Have you always known that you were psychic?
This question comes up on a regular basis. I’ve indicated before that I “recognized” my intuitive gifts 11 and half years ago during my intense spiritual awakening. However, looking back on my life, – all the way to childhood – I can recall premonitions and just chalked them up to coincidence. Now, I understand that wasn’t the case. So, the psychic ability has always been there, but really came front and center when the time was right.
Does your work with spirits ever frighten you?
The sound of my computer printer turning itself on at three in the morning has alarmed me before, but I just know it’s typically a spirit wanting to communicate (spirits often use electrical energy to make their presences known). To answer the question, no; I make it very clear that my intention is for positive, healthy, healing, progressive reasons. I even say a blessing before each session.
Do spiritual animals have any significance?
The idea of a particular animal or breed connecting spiritually to an individual does have significance, which varies from person to person. For example, I recently did a session for client over the phone and told her that her newborn’s spiritual animal protector was a rabbit. Furthermore, I was intuitively shown a stuffed bunny next to the baby. So, I asked the mother if the child had such a toy. At that moment, she couldn’t identify one. However, within the hour, relatives gave the infant a stuffed animal – it was a rabbit!
Do you ever receive insights in a foreign language?
Si! Oui! Hai! Ja! Yes, it has happened. Sometimes, the insights aren’t words or phrases, but references to a particular culture. This past week, I conducted a session that had a very strong India, Tibet and Himalayan connection. By the way, I’ve even received codes or visuals that do not resemble anything I’ve ever seen on Earth.
Thanks so much for the questions!
Love and light,

It’s time to answer a few questions about my line of work!
Okay, you leave us hanging like that? 🙂 Someday you need to tell us more about the art of this world visions. That gets me excited! Thank you for continuing to do this important work. You have a gift and you are using it wisely.
The codes and visions from other worlds remind me of the movie “Arrival.” Thanks so much for your comments and for reading.
I enjoy your posts and love knowing about your journey. You definitely spread joy and light in our universe!
That means so much to me coming from an educator who inspired so many students.
I need this have an actual session with you sometime. ♥️
Just let me know when and we will set one up! Hugs!