During my psychic intuitive sessions, clients are sometimes looking for the proverbial “light at the end of the tunnel.” While challenging to comprehend, especially when our paths hit a snag, the “light” is always there – and it starts from within. Let me explain.
My consultations cover a lot of ground: relationships, career, family, health, etc. For example, last week a client confessed, “I’m so down and out; I’m not sure what to do with my life.” Whoa, that’s a heavy introduction to an hour-long session, one might think. However, I embrace those type of moments differently – perhaps, because I’ve been there myself before.
So, when the client blurted that dark cloud sentiment, I responded: “My job is not to take you further down a slope and it’s not to sugar-coat your situation either, but I am here to share insights of what is possible in a positive way!”
Throughout our conversation, I mentioned ideas she’d considered pursuing, but she’d always shut down for one reason or another. We explored several of those ideas further by identifying some potential next steps. While she may not be out of the tunnel yet, she was beginning to see the “light.” More importantly, she was starting to embrace it.
Now, about that “light.” Scientifically, light attracts light. Consider this: next time you find yourself in a dark tunnel, turn on your inner beacon. Your own inner light – of inner goodness – will attract the light at the end of the tunnel closer to you.
Love and light,

We have the ability to manifest the light at the end of the tunnel.
Great article!
Hey! Thanks for reading!!
Thanks for the post. Sometimes dark sentiments want to hide the right path forward and smother reminders of what to be thankful for. Thanks for the reminder about turning on my inner light of goodness. It’s funny how homegrown light can attract and let other light in!
Hey Travis – I like the words: homegrown light! I’m gonna use them!!
Thanks for sharing that, Tony. I needed to be reminded of that. Bless you, my friend.
Hey Robert – I think it was a nice reminder for me too! Blessings to you as well!
Love this!
Hey Wayne!! thanks so much for reading and commenting!
I just read an article from a doctor that says just before a baby is born there is often a light seen @ delivery; when people are dying they so often speak of seeing a light.
Wow! Do you have a link to that article? Would love to read it!
This is something I needed to read. I seem to have such a difficult time attracting light lately. And feeling so lost.
A side note: A friend had a dream that a black cat was sitting on a fence post and glaring at him. (He read it as someone had put a “hex” on him and me) His grandfather then walked into the dream and killed the “cat”, and said, “There, it’s been taken care of.”.
Weird, right?
As a psychic medium, do you personally feel hexes, etc. are real?
Dark or negative energy can enter our lives – and sometimes we are the ones who generate it. Our job is to seek ways to attract and to generate the light. Don’t always wait to attract the light…be a generator of it as well. Hugs
Argh, I should have posted this under Window of the Soul. If you delete, my feelings won’t be hurt!
No worries, here! Thanks for reading my blog! Take care!