With eyes tightly shut, I questioned if it was just paranoia taking charge of my mind’s activities. The movie in my head played on and I couldn’t stop the projector.
That was the scene in my Louisville bedroom nine years ago. Night after night, during my psychic awareness infancy, I was involved – emotionally and mentally – in a battery of tests. These training sessions, which took place in my mind as my physical body was aware of what was taking place, stretched the elasticity of my existence. Imagine your mind transporting you into life-threatening scenarios that seem very real, while your human frame remains safely intact.
My mental roles included, among others, assuming the identities of a slave captured and tortured, a midwest farmer protecting his children from a violent tornado and an xtreme kickboxer defending himself! Each alter ego occurrence incorporated two elements: nurturing compassion and facing fears. Despite the intensity, I was told by my spiritual guide, Andrew, that I was being groomed to help others. First, however, I had to confront these selected situations and learn from them. You might say that I was a student in a spiritual boot camp!
This week, while reading a thrilling, new book, Maya’s Story – Slipping Between Time And Space, I discovered the term for my experiences: parallel universes. In her fantasy debut novel, author Diana Story crafts a tale of a teen heroine, Maya, who must use her mystical powers to defeat The Dark Menace threatening to destroy Earth and the Cosmos. Yet, before the battle between good and evil commences, Maya must endure a series of tests to prepare her for the quest. And, yes, these all take place via parallel universes.
The author, who also studied metaphysics for more than 40 years, cites, in the book’s acknowledgements, New Age best selling author, Deepak Chopra, who “helped me explore that new world (metaphysics) and showed me how to move into the adjoining dimensions.”
According to an essay by Chopra, he explains parallel universes as “the ability to experience the miracle of transformation that causes a three-dimensional spatial world and one dimensional temporal world to manifest before your very eyes.”
Nine years after my own unique events, I now have answers. Thanks to authors Story and Chopra for the revelation!
Love and light,

Diana Story is the author of Maya’s Story – Slipping Between Time And Space (available on amazon.com).
Thanks, Tony for sharing your experience. I enjoyed and am intrigued with your life experiences. I’m just getting my feet wet in the metaphysical world and taking baby steps but I’m very much enjoying the mystery of it all.
So happy for you! And, thanks for your kind, supportive words!
So grateful that my new novel, “Maya’s Story – Slipping Between Time And Space,” helped to answer some questions and enlightened you regarding your early psychic awakening experiences aka “boot camp.” I am humbled that spirit uses me as a conduit for others and their journeys.
Really enjoyed reading your fantasy novel. Not only was it an intriguing tale, but it shed some light on my own personal spiritual journey!