How’s this for a connection? During the summer after fourth grade, a little league baseball injury and the legendary singer Roberta Flack’s hit “Killing Me Softly With His Song” intertwined!
Last night, while listening to that Grammy Award winning tune once again, memories of that unique childhood connection came rushing back…with a spiritual vibe! First, let me take you back to that Alabama summer decades ago.
Playing for the Orioles, I was the second baseman and was surrounded by friends who had other field duties. During one game, an opposing team member was stealing base from first to second. Our catcher fiercely threw the ball to me in hopes of my tagging the runner out. Unfortunately, I failed to get my glove up in time to catch it and instead, it caught me just above my left eye. I literally – and figuratively – saw stars as I fell to the ground. I eventually came to and even continued playing in the game. That is, up until my mother showed up on the scene; she took me immediately to the hospital.
Upon examination, the doctor explained that the injury could potentially lead to the formation of a major blood clot behind the eye. Thus, there was a threat I would lose vision. To avoid surgery, I had to remain inactive with bandages wrapped around my head and eyes for a week in the hospital.
The seriousness of the situation erased all complaints of my possibly being bored. Besides, teammates and family all took turns visiting me with well wishes. My neighboring first baseman even showed up one day to help feed me (as I couldn’t see how to use utensils in conjunction to the food on the plate). He sneakily convinced me that he was spooning mashed potatoes, when in actuality it was cauliflower!
Throughout my stay, a hospital orderly would check on me. One night during his final rounds, he came to my room and we had a conversation. He was in his early 20s and was African-American. I remember him telling me that he’d sang at the recently held Miss Bronze pageant in my hometown. I asked if he would sing me a song. “Sure, what would you like to hear Tony,” the orderly replied.
“How about, ‘Killing Me Softly With His Song’ by Roberta Flack,” I requested. And, with that, this caregiver’s voice comforted me during a potentially traumatic period. The next day, the doctor announced that the blood clot threat was gone and I was to be discharged.
This childhood recollection came to me last while humming along to the classic song. When I mentally acknowledged the orderly who had sang to me those many years ago, I felt a strong cocoon-wrapped feeling of love. I knew then that his spirit was with me last night and it prompted me to write this blog this morning.
This experience will always be a reminder that healings can come in many forms – and through special people who enter our lives at meaningul times.
Love and light,

Decades ago, I was a little league second baseman. I was also blonde!
Great story!
You know, you could be blonde again if you wanted.
I’ve heard blondes to have more fun!! 🙂
Thanks for sharing! This is a lovely story and brings home the point that music holds a great deal of power. A few notes or a simple refrain can hurtle us back into our past with a full Monty of emotions.
You are so right! Songs and music do have a way of bringing memories and emotions back into our lives.
Love this! Can u name the players in the pic? I rec some.đź’•
Well, I know you can spot Doug Vickers. Mark Lolley is next to me. I remember Allan Turnage, Quinton Robinson, Johnny Barbacia, Joey Baxley.