Cap and gown season is upon us as mortarboards are tossed skyward to signal receipt of diplomas! Easily, I’m reminded of my own academic threshold decades ago when I graduated from high school.
Recently, I had the pleasure of giving private psychic consultations to two seniors who were approaching their own commencement ceremonies. Given as graduation gifts, the two sessions were quite meaningful, not only for the teenagers, but for me as well.
During both consultations, I validated their career interests and even geographical preferences of residences. Often times, my job is to give reassurance that our lives’ goal and aspirations are indeed possible with the right mix of work, clarity, ambition and knowing when to get out of the way. The last element mentioned can sometimes be tricky, as people, at times, like to control the process or outcome. Getting out of the way simply allows the Universe to do its part.
Another reason why the recent graduate psychic readings resonated personally with me is because I consider myself to be a perpetual student. Always learning, I look for ways daily to embrace knowledge, whether its reading a new book on spirituality or having a fascinating conversation with a person I meet while hiking. I’m never too old to learn.
So, congratulations to all the graduates of 2019. Best wishes in all your future endeavors. (Now, cue “Pomp and Circumstance!”)
Love and light,

Best wishes to all of the new graduates!