“My motorcycle accident was the best thing that ever happened to me,” TV star Erik Estrada told a stunned Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show back in 1979. The actor, who played a cop safeguarding California’s warren of freeways on NBC’s CHiPs at the time, also shared similar thoughts in People magazine: “It (the accident) made me take a look around the block.”
A teenager when that late night television episode aired decades ago, I remember questioning Estrada’s comment: How could something like a near-fatal crash be a good thing? I’ve since discovered, as have many of my psychic consultation clients, how a traumatic event can serve as a catalyst to evolve to a greater good. It’s not that our lives were horrible, just, perhaps, missing a key element that would propel us to experience more.
These periods of revelations aren’t limited to people who’ve survived near-death moments, surgeries or diseases. The proverbial light bulbs can go off after ending long-term jobs or relationships. Whatever the actual occurrence, it often triggers the soul, which craves a shift in direction and yearns for expansion. Our roles, as beings, are to honor those calls.
Taking inventory of one’s life and seeking personal growth opportunities can happen anytime. Understand, it doesn’t require a motorcycle wreck or the like. You can just as easily wake up one morning and make the choices.
Life is your highway; ride it!
Love and light,

Erik Estrada starred in TV’s popular CHiPs back in the 70s.
Everyday I try to remind myself I have a choice on which path to take. Isn’t it wonderful we have so many opportunities?
I agree; once a person gets into the mindset of waking up to make positive decisions, it becomes part of his or her fabric!