I first became aware of Deepak Chopra back in the mid-90s, while producing business symposiums for a Fortune 500 firm. My contact at a speakers’ bureau suggested him as a possible keynote presenter, but at the time I didn’t connect the high tech corporate world with a man who was well on his way to being a leader in spiritual enlightenment.
More than 20 years since initially hearing his name, I got to meet Chopra at a benefit for the World Business Academy, which was honoring him for his leadership for positive change. By now, of course, I’d easily made the correlation between spiritual awareness and intelligent business practices. And, Chopra has certainly become a pioneer in bringing this marriage to the forefront.
Born in India, Chopra studied medicine and became a doctor in Boston. However, he knew he had a different calling; bring awareness to alternative approaches to healing. During this transformation, he mastered transcendental meditation from guru Maharishi Mahesh. This was among his early first steps that would eventually lead to more than 85 books, television shows, lectures and the opening of The Chopra Center, a premier source offering classes and other resources on dozens of self-discovery and enlightenment topics.
When I had my spiritual awakening more than nine years ago and discovered my psychic gift as a result, Chopra was among the spiritual leaders to whom I was drawn. Through his books, including his first million bestseller Ageless Body, Timeless Mind and his latest, You Are The Universe, I’ve opened not only mind, but my heart.
Essentially, that’s one of Chopra’s key messages, intelligence and love are supposed to work in harmony in all aspects of life: relationships, business, self development, etc.
Before I had the opportunity to shake Chopra’s hand at the World Business Academy benefit in Santa Barbara this week, he spoke after being presented his award. As his words centered on lifting positive and peaceful vibrations, I saw a beautiful, warm, yellow aura all around his presence behind the lectern.
May we all attract our own special light and shine.
Love and light,

Meeting Deepak Chopra at the World Business Academy benefit in Santa Barbara.
Peace and love, Tony. Saw him in Louisville with Debi. Inspiring!
I felt Debi’s presence with me that night when I met him! love to you