I’ve blogged about my out-of-body experiences (OBE) before, usually when a new discovery happens. Last week marked another one! Always occurring during a relaxed state, OBEs are when the mind allows your soul to leave the physical body and its…
Ode To October, Redux
By October, summer has faded like an aged postcard. Labor Day has come and gone and a new season welcomed. Children and parents are now acclimated to the back-to-school routine. Department stores have finished their end-of-season sales and started hinting about Santa. Autumn…
Waiting For Good, Oh!
“Number 31,” I moaned after taking the queue ticket at the cable office, which was currently serving customer 19. Half an hour later, I approached the counter to return equipment and cancel service, but received something in return. With a…
Stair Wars
“How am I ever going to get the sofa up there?” I asked myself, looking at the narrow, white, metal spiral staircase, which led to the carriage house’s loft-like den. A man on a mission, I was checking out the quaint abode…
In Memoriam – Dr. Wayne Dyer
Internationally known author, speaker and leader in the self-development realm, Dr. Wayne Dyer made his transition last week. He leaves behind a legacy of teachings and wisdom that have enhanced the libraries of our minds. While he wrote more than…
For The Record
While packing for an upcoming move, I discovered my treasure trove of old 45 rpm records, whose artists sound like a Who’s Who of jukebox royalty: Bowie, Joel, Streisand, Prince, KISS, Newton-John and Elvis, among others. Yet, one disc stood out: a…
Care Givers
Less than a month ago, I received an intuitive vision of a plane releasing cargo into the sky. No missiles of destruction, the airdrops, I sensed, were care packages! Introduced in 1945 after World War II, CARE packages were shipments of…
Q & A: Summer Vacation Edition
As summer vacations wrap up, it’s an ideal time to answer some questions that I’ve received regarding my psychic medium profession. Here are a few of the most recent queries. Are you more “on” in the morning, afternoon or evening? –…
Card Clout
Funny, how a birthday card can change one’s life. But, seven years ago, a paper sentiment given to me from my mother did just that! Opening the envelope, I saw a picture of a five-year-old pulling a little red wagon.…
In The News
This week, I received an intuitive insight from, of all things, my hometown weekly newspaper, which is mailed to me in California. Sandwiched between school board, little league and music club articles and a full-page Piggly Wiggly ad, it surfaced! Two…