Wearing a comfy sweater and a baseball cap (to hide a bad hair day), I sat quietly at a counter in a Houston airport during Sunday’s predawn layover. Even though I didn’t sleep a wink on my California red-eye flight into…
Flower Power
“Roy, be sure to tell Pete at Ivywood that you want yellow roses,” my grandmother instructed my grandfather, just before he ordered a dozen beauties from the hometown florist. Thus, became a tradition: my mother always received yellow roses from…
Shaken, Not Stirred
Sometimes we want to be shaken like a holiday snow globe, allowing the sparkling elements of our lives to dance freely in air, gathering fresh energy before landing. I’m shaken frequently, and I don’t necessarily wait for Christmastime to do so! Many of…
High Five!
This week, I begin my fifth year of writing this blog. Initially, I was skeptical about such an endeavor, as I didn’t want to be guilty of creating more clutter in a world of information overload. Thankfully, loyal readers, like yourself,…
For Debi
It’s been said that people come into our lives for a reason. Debi Magnes, who passed away last week, was not only my friend, she was my spiritual mentor. Without her, there would be no Tony Morris, Psychic Medium. Nearly…
Meeting Donna Karan
“I’m looking forward to reading your book and hope you write about your spiritual journey,” I told fashion designer Donna Karan, as she began to sign her bestselling memoir, My Journey, last week at a Montecito, California bookstore. The creative icon…
Alone Again, Naturally
Famous folk have spewed hundreds of quotes, but I really connected with this one by Albert Einstein: “The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. Those who walk alone are likely to find themselves…
Spark Plug
“What kind of car is that Tony?” my late grandfather asked a pint-sized version of myself in the late ’60s. He, being the car aficionado of Scott Drive, waited for my expected response with a grin. “It’s a Volksagenagen, Papa,”…
Tell Me About Your Work
Yesterday, while shopping at the neighborhood hardware store, I asked the owner a few questions about his business. He was happy to oblige. I get queries, too, about the psychic medium field. Here are a few of the most recent: What…
Cardboard boxes packed and stacked to the ceiling, staples of moving day adventures. Many of my psychic consultation clients often want clarity about possible re-los to another city – or even across town. Last week, I moved from Palm Springs to…