I’ve walked into my share of spider webs, those silky, woven wonders that, when least expected, cling to face, hair or limbs. The other day, however, I had an advance warning; a glorious, large butterfly had been entrapped within a spider’s creation and signaled the web was in my path.
Upon closer inspection, I could tell the winged beauty was still alive. I wanted to set it free. And, so my mission began.
I grabbed a nearby stick and cleared away much of the web around the creature, but the painted lady was still somehow anchored. Twirling the stick, as if it were a magic wand, I latched it onto the portion of the web that was connected to the butterfly. With that, I was able to bring the insect right in front of my face. Gingerly, my right hand nudged away the last pieces of the web and the butterfly sprung loose. Flapping its kaleidoscope-colored wings, the butterfly was airborne and no longer captive.
What impressed me the most about this scenario is that the butterfly remained calm the entire time, never displaying any panic or struggle. Perhaps, it trusted that assistance and resources would be forthcoming. Smiling, I registered my own serene personal reminder: Even during challenges or turmoil, tap into my calm reserve.
So, thank you Madame Butterfly for that soaring life lesson.
Love and light,

The painted lady butterfly inspired me recently.
“Love is like a butterfly…so soft and gentle as it flies…”
I love that Dolly Parton classic song!
I have to share this with my friends because, at our last GNO, most of the evening was spent telling butterfly stories and experiences. A couple friends believe they appear as a messenger from the soul of a departed loved one, another that something good will soon happen. We all agreed butterflies have a calming, happy effect when they appear. And some of your friends, sort of like butterflies, sure can make me smile…and lol at their classic, fun FB comments on your posts.
As always, thanks for all you do and for being you…xox
Awww. Your comment made me smile big time!! I believe butterflies are special messengers of light, as well. Xoxo
My Bill visits our daughter as a butterfly.
I love hearing this special connection. Hugs
Hi Tony! Just wanted to reach out and tell you that I fell in love with your “ Madame Butterfly” story! Mary Roads is one of my stepmom’s very good friends and she sent it to me. We’ve had some devastating losses in the past few years my sister at 39 unexpectedly in 2010, my Dad In 2016 from cancer ( My parents live on Mary’s street) my 4 month old nephew in April of this year from SIDS and my brother in law in June from liver disease. My stepmom is not as open as I am about our losses it’s her way but she looks for signs and a butterfly 🦋 is one we both see often! I live in Va and her and Fl so it’s a bit of a ways. I believe in you and your abilities and your beautiful analogy of Madame Butterfly! A year after my Dad passed my best friend who he loved dearly remarried after a devastating divorce. It was 2 years ago today. On the way to her Wedding a Butterfly fly into my car and landed on my lap. It was my Dads blessing for her and reassurance for me that she was going to be just fine! My stepmom Cindy emailed me your story today of all days unbeknownst to her. Yet another sign. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing💙🦋
Your note means so much to me. Our loved ones do find magical ways to stay in touch with us. How wonderful that the butterfly is your special messenger. Hugs to you!
Ohhh. How special to help the beautiful flutterby. Whenever me and my three sisters gather, we are blessed with a butterfly from my dad.
What a special, wonderful connection to share 🙂