“Who’d ever read my blog?” I moaned to myself nearly five years ago. “I’d just create more clutter for folks.” Not exactly the most enlightening way to start my online writing journey, I’d say.
Yet, the truth is each of us can be our own worst enemy at times. The question is, why?
With comments gleaned from my psychic consultation clients, the answer varies: self doubt, negative mindset, others’ opinions, pity party, frustration, etc. By constantly arguing with ourselves, we, in turn, create the ultimate escape clause, a way out of progressing our lives.
But, it doesn’t have to be that way! Let’s cut to the basics. A thought, whether it’s negative or positive, will morph into words and ultimately a form of action. It’s up to each of us to determine the desired course. Essentially, we can opt to either bully or champion ourselves.
One can still be objective when reviewing a life situation or opportunity. I’m not for sugar-coating, but I sure as hell don’t believe in creating my own quicksand either. Instead, I try to keep a healthy, open mind (and heart) and tap into the good within for guidance and direction. When my gloom game does attempt an invasion, I cut it off before it even has a chance to stir up an argument.
And, that really pisses me off…happily, I might add!
Love and light,

Be sure to cut it off when you start to argue with yourself!
Thru it all I wonder how I still manage to find happiness…Deaths, sickness and so it goes, but thru it all…I still feel blessed and love life…It’s just who I am…Love your blogs. I miss one every now and then but sometimes I read them, enjoy them and don’t take time to comment as I should…Love you…
Honey! You are always a bright, shining light! Love you!! xoxo