February 14 is the day that conjures up thoughts of the heart, or heartburn – depending on how one chooses to experience Valentine’s Day.
While I’m no love guru, I have, over the years, encountered many psychic consultation clients who are seeking intuitive insights on the subject of love and romance. The heart meter runs the gamut of “Is there someone for me?,” “Am I supposed to stay in my current relationship, even though it’s miserable?,” “How do I attract the right person?” and other queries.
While a blog post isn’t really the spot for me to do a deep dive or expose on all of those areas, I would like to address one in particular: “Why wasn’t THAT person THE ONE?” This applies to that individual who comes into our lives and stirs our heart, but doesn’t settle in for the long run. That type of circumstance can be confusing and upsetting.
“I was dating this guy and we had so much in common and seemed to have the same relationship goals,” a recent client relayed to me over the phone. “I just couldn’t understand why it couldn’t work out.” She then added, “And, I still don’t understand!”
Without sounding like a worn out love song lyric, some people do come into our lives for various reasons, and, often times, they’re closely aligned to romantic situations. While there can certainly be heartache in an ill-fated relationship, there can also be learning.
In some cases, a brief romantic connection happens to help clarify even more what we’re looking for in a relationship. Sometimes, a temporary bond is meant to awaken our love light potential from a dormant state. And, not to be overlooked, a short-term union can also serve as a catalyst: a mutual nudge of inspiration and enlightenment designed to help each other become a better person.
So, avoid the heartburn potential of February 14 by opening your heart to a more understanding mindset. (And, if all else fails, buy some Tums!)
Love and light,

Have a great Valentine’s weekend, Tony!
Thanks, Jeff! You too!!
Love you!!
Aww! Love you too!!
This is a good one Tony. Lots of nuggets to unpack.
Love you on this love day.
Love you too, sweetie!
Totally agree
Thank you for reading!!