A close friend completed her sixth and final session of chemotherapy yesterday as part of her cancer healing. To mark the occasion, she sent an email blast to her support group heralding the news with great enthusiasm. This wasn’t the…
If These Walls Could Talk
How many of you have walked into a space and could sense a negative vibe? Or, a positive one? During my corporate career, there were many meetings I attended where a definite mood presided over the conference room. And, it…
Happy Talk
What does a penguin, cotton candy and Ole Miss football have in common? No, they’re not answers for the crossword in today’s newspaper. These three, very different, subjects, which came to me in images or words, represent “happy places,” or…
Why I Decided To Blog
About three months ago, I received visions and emotional feelings about inner-city, minority boys who were being abused. To be specific, sexually abused. While I never “saw” anything sexually graphic, I did see and feel the pain, shame and confusion…
Excess Baggage
Frequently during intuitive consultations, I will pick up on a client’s mental conflict about an issue, such as romance, finance and friendship. And, in most cases, it involves another person. When these types of sessions happen, I immediately recall my…
Balance Sheet
“I want to go to on a skiing vacation, but I can’t. I have too much work to do around the house,” a friend recently shared with me over dinner. While he wasn’t one of my intuitive consultation clients, I…
Are We There Yet?
Flying home to Alabama for Christmas gave me pause to reflect on how I’ve changed my way of thinking when it comes to traveling or reaching a destination. Prior to my spiritual awakening three and a half years ago, I…
Animal Instincts
Dr. Dolittle was onto something when he talked to the animals. Wild creatures and domestic pets have strong spiritual connections to their surroundings, whether they’re roaming the Great Plains of the Midwest or running in a neighborhood backyard. As humans,…
Buzz Words
In all of our professions, there are dozens of words and lingos that are used daily. For Fortune 500 folks, it’s called “corporate speak,” which includes acronyms like ROI, IPO or RIF (sounds more like “alphabet soup”). Yet, all jobs…
Photo Ops!
Three years ago, I was in my hometown of Enterprise, Alabama visiting family for the holidays. One night leading up to Christmas, we dined at The Rawls, a restaurant inside a historic hotel of the same name. Being the shutterbug…