Four Years Ago…

“I can’t be going crazy. This is all too real,” I shrieked at my distraught twin image staring back from the bathroom mirror in the wee morning hours four years ago. Vacationing in Palm Springs (where I now reside) during Easter 2008, I was…

Now Showing!

“Jeff, Who Lives at Home” is an indie film whose afternoon showtime coincided better with my schedule than “The Hunger Games.” Focused on the family dynamics of a mother (beautifully played by Susan Sarandon) and her two, grown sons (Ed Helms and Jason Segel acing their roles),…


Last year, a friend from my high school days, Margaret Hall Spencer, published her first children’s book, My City Tree Cares For Me, a sweet story of a young girl’s appreciation of nature’s towering wonders. I immediately purchased a copy and…

Student Assembly

A self-described life-long student, I learn something from another person and/or an experience each day. Last Friday was no exception. I’d been asked to serve on a panel discussion on behalf of the young adults participating in AmeriCorps‘ Cultural Awareness training program.…

Taxi Driver

Taxi rides often turn into memorable tales. One of my funniest was when I shared a packed cab with my mother, grandmother, cousin and great aunt as the driver raced up and down the famous hills of San Francisco, creating…

Tag! I’m It!

While in Los Angeles last week for a volunteer meeting for the Human Rights Campaign gala dinner, I received a parking ticket. I was stumped because I’d nearly 15 minutes left on the meter after the short time spent in a nearby…