For The Birds

Writing about personal interests was dormant for much of my 25-year corporate communications life. Sure, I authored speeches for execs and articles for company rags, but the words typically had a prescribed agenda to which I adhered. When I began writing my spiritual journey…

More Predictions

Every other month or so, I’ll share some visions or feelings that I’m picking up that would be of interest to mass audiences. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, I receive messages not only for myself and my individual clients, but for…

The Graduate

Despite the title, this post isn’t dedicated to the saucy, groundbreaking Dustin Hoffman film, in which he, uh, uncovers, lessons with the help of the seductive Anne Bancroft. Instead, it’s a tribute to the thousands, including my best friend’s eldest daughter, who are accepting diplomas this…

Writer’s Block

What am I gonna blog about today? is a thought that occasionally confronts me in the form of writer’s block. Granted, I have a scope of topics that captures my (and hopefully yours too!) interest. But, that’s just a start – a…

Wind Chimes

Years ago (ok, decades ago), when I was a second grader, my teacher, Mrs. Dewitt introduced a poem to her class entitled, Who Has Seen The Wind? by Christina Rossetti. At the time, I thought it was one of the most beautiful literary arrangements  that…

“Some Intuitive Evening”

Last night in Palm Springs, I facilitated a mini-workshop where I shared how I discovered and now utilize my intuitive gift. Grateful for the attentive interest that my remarks received, for me, however; the highlight of “Some Intuitive Evening” (too clever?) was when the…

Scene Of The Crime

“One helicopter flying overhead. Zoom in on little boy who appears to have been struck by a car. Grieving mother. Son’s body transforms into spirit. Glows. Police lights. Feels like cops have someone cornered – a kidnapper.” On July 16,…