In the theme park of life, my signature ride is the rollercoaster. Unlike it’s predictable cousin, the merry-go-round, it ignites the highs, lows, twists and turns while still staying on track. And, I like that! My first rollercoaster experience was on the Starliner, a rickety, wooden gem at…
Gift of Love
While attending the Hawaii Writers Conference (not a bad place to start my book writing venture) a few years back, I was fortunate to experience the amazing talent of a guitarist/singer/songwriter….artist, named Makana. Deeply rooted in his native homeland of…
Last weekend, I turned 50. The Big 5-0! Half-a-century! Naturally, it was an ideal time to reflect on life. And, certainly a reason to celebrate. At my get-together, the toasting marked not only my latest trip around the sun, but…
For Bucky
Since earlier this year, I knew I was being prepared for the last time Bucky, my 15 1/2 year-old dog, would wag his tail. Aside from obvious changes in his bodily functions and abilities, I’d seen intuitive visions of him receiving medicine and his bone structure…
As with most of us, the violence at a midnight movie screening early Friday in Aurora, Colorado left me numb with shock and sorrow. However, the tragedy struck a deeper chord; I’d seen intuitive visions of the incident during my meditation session last Monday (July 16).…
Wheel-ality TV
Last week, yours truly got to spin the famous “Wheel of Fortune” for a chance to solve puzzles and win prizes. While I can’t reveal my show’s outcome before its air date (Tuesday, Sept. 18), here’s what I can share: It…
Sacred Places
An episode of “I Love Lucy,” one which was based during the classic’s Hollywood shows, first introduced Mission San Juan Capistrano to an eight-year-old me. Lucy and Ethel mentioned the landmark – and its legendary springtime return of the swallows…
Are You Smarter Than A FIRST Grader?
My debut year at Holly Hill Elementary in the late 60s was highlighted with my first spelling of a three-syllable word: barbecue. It was a feat, because, as I told anyone who’d listen at the time, “Most people spell it BBQ!” My…
The Price of Tides
Last night, I received a vision of toxic waste dumping into a large body of water, presumably an ocean, gulf or Great Lake. Not a pretty sight. Think of the famous television ad of the native American canoeing in tainted rivers, who,…
Train Your Brain
Trains are among my favorite methaphors or symbolism. Remember Hitchcock’s racy implication of the choo-choo plowing into the tunnel at the end of “North By Northwest,” just after Eva Marie Saint and Cary Grant climbed into their shared bunk? Or, listen to country singer…